spinal column - significado y definición. Qué es spinal column
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Qué (quién) es spinal column - definición

Spondylothesis; Listhesis; Congenital spondylolisthesis; Anterolisthesis; Spondylolithesis; Spondilotheis; Listesis; Isthmic spondylolisthesis; Spinal dislocation; Dislocating the Spinal Column; Dislocation of the Spinal Column; Dislocation of the spinal column; Spinal column dislocation; Spinal Column dislocation; Spinal Column Dislocation; Laterolisthesis; Olisthesis; Lateral listhesis
  • graft]] between L5 and S1.
  • Grade 1 retrolistheses of C3 on C4 and C4 on C5

spinal column         
  • 3D Medical Animation still shot of Spina Bifida
  • Anatomy of a vertebra
  • Diagram showing normal curvature of the vertebrae from childhood to teenage
  • Numbering order of the vertebrae of the human spinal column
  • Lateral lumbar X-ray of a 34-year-old male
  • The [[spinal cord]] nested in the vertebral column.
  • A thoracic spine [[X-ray]] of a 57-year-old male.
  • L1]]
  • ray-finned fish]]
Spine (anatomy); Spine(anatomy); Human vertebral column; Vertebral; Spinal column; Spinal Column; Vertebræ; Vertabrae; Spinal diseases; Human spine; Vertebral joint; Vertebral articulation; Spinal curvature; Curvature of spine; Spondylous; Acanthoid; Spination; Tail vertebrae; Columna vertebralis; Lumbosacral; Cervicothoracic; Cervico-thoracic; Thorocolumbar; Thoracolumbar; Ape vertebral column; Vertebral columns; Spine (human anatomy); Human vertebra; Sacral and coccygeal vertebrae; Human vertebral columns; Spinal curvatures; Thoracolumbar division; Spine (vertebral column); Spine (bone)
¦ noun the spine.
spinal column         
  • 3D Medical Animation still shot of Spina Bifida
  • Anatomy of a vertebra
  • Diagram showing normal curvature of the vertebrae from childhood to teenage
  • Numbering order of the vertebrae of the human spinal column
  • Lateral lumbar X-ray of a 34-year-old male
  • The [[spinal cord]] nested in the vertebral column.
  • A thoracic spine [[X-ray]] of a 57-year-old male.
  • L1]]
  • ray-finned fish]]
Spine (anatomy); Spine(anatomy); Human vertebral column; Vertebral; Spinal column; Spinal Column; Vertebræ; Vertabrae; Spinal diseases; Human spine; Vertebral joint; Vertebral articulation; Spinal curvature; Curvature of spine; Spondylous; Acanthoid; Spination; Tail vertebrae; Columna vertebralis; Lumbosacral; Cervicothoracic; Cervico-thoracic; Thorocolumbar; Thoracolumbar; Ape vertebral column; Vertebral columns; Spine (human anatomy); Human vertebra; Sacral and coccygeal vertebrae; Human vertebral columns; Spinal curvatures; Thoracolumbar division; Spine (vertebral column); Spine (bone)
(spinal columns)
Your spinal column is your spine.
  • 3D Medical Animation still shot of Spina Bifida
  • Anatomy of a vertebra
  • Diagram showing normal curvature of the vertebrae from childhood to teenage
  • Numbering order of the vertebrae of the human spinal column
  • Lateral lumbar X-ray of a 34-year-old male
  • The [[spinal cord]] nested in the vertebral column.
  • A thoracic spine [[X-ray]] of a 57-year-old male.
  • L1]]
  • ray-finned fish]]
Spine (anatomy); Spine(anatomy); Human vertebral column; Vertebral; Spinal column; Spinal Column; Vertebræ; Vertabrae; Spinal diseases; Human spine; Vertebral joint; Vertebral articulation; Spinal curvature; Curvature of spine; Spondylous; Acanthoid; Spination; Tail vertebrae; Columna vertebralis; Lumbosacral; Cervicothoracic; Cervico-thoracic; Thorocolumbar; Thoracolumbar; Ape vertebral column; Vertebral columns; Spine (human anatomy); Human vertebra; Sacral and coccygeal vertebrae; Human vertebral columns; Spinal curvatures; Thoracolumbar division; Spine (vertebral column); Spine (bone)
·adj Vertebrate.
II. Vertebral ·noun A Vertebrate.
III. Vertebral ·adj Of or pertaining to a vertebrae, or the vertebral column; spinal; rachidian.



Spondylolisthesis is the displacement of one spinal vertebra compared to another. While some medical dictionaries define spondylolisthesis specifically as the forward or anterior displacement of a vertebra over the vertebra inferior to it (or the sacrum), it is often defined in medical textbooks as displacement in any direction. Spondylolisthesis is graded based upon the degree of slippage of one vertebral body relative to the subsequent adjacent vertebral body. Spondylolisthesis is classified as one of the six major etiologies: degenerative, traumatic, dysplastic, isthmic, pathologic, or post-surgical. Spondylolisthesis most commonly occurs in the lumbar spine, primarily at the L5-S1 level, with the L5 vertebral body anteriorly translating over the S1 vertebral body.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para spinal column
1. And here is actually the spinal column
2. the spinal column, feeling yourself coming to attention,
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3. into two parts; central or peripheral. Central is brain and spinal column; peripheral nervous
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4. Well-- I mean, there-- Okay. Okay, so this definitely a spinal column,
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5. As I stood on the rugby field that night, checking my spinal column, I began to think
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Ejemplos de uso de spinal column
1. During executions, the weaker bone in the spinal column is broken,» he told AFP.
2. It strikes all ages, at different spots along the spinal column.
3. Our first chakra is at the end of the spinal column and is red.
4. But the bullet went through her heart and spinal column and she died instantly.
5. In her case, her skull had been knocked completely off the top of the spinal column.